Percakapan Bahasa Inggris di Perpustakaan
Percakapan bahasa Inggris yang berlokasi di perpustakaan ini bisa dijadikan bahan ketika kita ingin mengadakan conversation di daerah sekolah, kampus, perpustakaan umum atau wilayah perpustakaan lainnya. Memang percakapan bahasa inggris bisa dilakukan dimana saja, tapi dengan ini semoga saja percakapan bahasa Inggris kita semakin baik dan lebih baik lagi dari sebelumnya. Mari kita lihat bersama-sama contoh dialog bahasa inggris antara siswa dengan penjaga perpustakaan berikut ini:
STUDENT : I want to return these four books.
COUNTER CLERK : But two of these were due on Monday. You're late by three days. I'm afraid you'll have to pay the fine.
STUDENT : Oh yes, I know that. But ... I was sick and have not been able to come to college these four days. You condone the delay under special circumstances, don't you? And my sickness is a special circumstance, isn't it?
COUNTER CLERK : Yes, it is. But you should talk to the librarian. My duty is just to charge the fine if it is due according to the rules.
STUDENT : Very well, I'll see the librarian. Meanwhile, please issue me with these two books. Oh, wait a minute. I want another book too. Let me go to the racks and find out that one also.
STUDENT (later) : Here's the book I wanted. Now please issue them.
COUNTER CLERK : Would you sign here, please? And here also?
STUDENT : Oh, I want to point out something. In this book, one page is missing. It's page 231. You can have a look.
COUNTER CLERK : My,* somebody has torn it away! How callous! ... I must stamp page 230 to indicate that page 231 has been torn out.
STUDENT : Is this necessary?
COUNTER CLERK : Yes, very necessary. Otherwise this may be blamed on you, or the next borrower after you.
STUDENT : Thanks very much.
COUNTER CLERK : That's all right.
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