Minggu, 27 November 2016


erikut ini adalah beberapa contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris di sekolah yang diperagakan oleh 2 orang saja. Dalam contoh percakapan di sekolah ini membahas berbagai situasi dan kejadian, di antaranya membahas belum membayar spp, PR Matematka, tugas bahasa Inggris, dan meminjam kamus. Untuk lebih detail dan jelasnya, mari kita simak saja berikut ini :

 Not Paying for SPP Yet 

Eva : Why are you so depressed?
Jazil : I am confused
Eva : Why are you confused?
Jazil : I haven’t paid for SPP
Eva : Have you asked for dispensation?
Jazil : I have, but right now I can’t.
Eva : Why?
Jazil : They said that they wanted to give dispensation for the others; because I have often been given it.
Eva : You should be patient, I am sorry I can help you because you know my parents are not rich.
Jazil : It is OK, I appreciate it.

Kosakata :

Depressed = Murung
Confused = Bingung
Pay – paid – paid = membayar
Dispensation = Keringanan
Patient = sabar
Appreciate = menghargai, mengerti

 Talking About English Assignment 

Jazil : Vi, let us go to Eva’s house after school
Evi : I want to go to Internet cafe
Jazil : Why do you go there? It is a waste of money.
Evi : I have an assignment to search for narrative text in internet
Jazil : Is English assignment, is’n it?
Evi : Yes
Jazil : When will it be collected?
Evi : Tomorrow, therefore I have to go to internet cafe today
Jazil : I think my class also has this assignment as well; might you search it for me?
Evi : Why don’t we go together to internet cafe?
Jazil : I can’t, I have promised to Eva. Would you mind searching it for me?
Evi : Ok, but you should paid for the printing cost.
Jazil : all right, Rp. 2.000,- is enough, right?
Evi : Yeah, it is more than enough
Jazil : Thank you, my lovely friend Evi, I have to go to Eva’s house right now
Evi : Ok
Jazil : Don’t forget to search for my assignment. See you tomorrow.

Kosakata : 

Have to = harus
Internet cafe = warnet
Waste = buang-buang
Assignment = tugas
Be collected = dikumpulkan

Sumber ENGLISHINDO.COM Referensi Belajar Bahasa Inggris Online: http://www.englishindo.com/2015/03/percakapan-bahasa-inggris-2-orang-di-sekolah.html#ixzz4RCb3YsqY
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