Minggu, 27 November 2016


Contoh Dialog 1 : Percakapan Terjadi Setelah Liburan

Uya : Hi Ayu
Ayu : Hi
Uya : I've heard you went to Bali again, is it true?
Ayu : (Ayu smiles)
Uya : Oh my God, I really want to go to Bali, it's a great place I've never slept in.
Uya : Anyway, I know you had visited Bali many times, did you still enjoy it?
Ayu : Yeah, I still enjoy it, especially when watching men playing football on the beach.. bhahahhaa
Uya : While lying on the sand half nak**, huh? (Uya smirks)
Ayu : Oh no, I am Indonesian. I don't want our ancestors rise from their tomb and look at one of our beaches in summer, they would probably shake their head with incredulity.
Uya : I see. I am just kidding.
Ayu : Nevermind. Anyway, when will you go there?
Uya : I don't know, I am still busy with my business.
Ayu : I do hope we will see you in Bali next vacation.
Uya : I do hope so.
Ayu : I have to go right now. (while walking away from Uya)
Uya : Oh, nice to meet you Ayu. (while screaming)
Ayu : (Looking back and blinking her eye to Uya).

Contoh Dialog 2 : Percakapan Terjadi Sebelum Liburan

Ayu : Do you really want to go to Bromo?
Uya : Yeah, my boss has given me a break.
Ayu : Why don't you visit Bali? You wanna go there, don't you?
Uya : Yes I really want to go there... (Uya stops talking, he thinks something)
Ayu : Hey.. What are you thinking about?
Uya : Sorry, I just don't wanna go to Bali, except...
Ayu : Except what? You said you want to go there... this is your right time.
Uya : No, no, it aint my right time. Bromo is as beautiful as Bali, isn't it?
Ayu : Yes, Bromo is. You always talk about Bali, I think Bali is your favorite place.
Uya : Hmm.. You're right, Bali is my favorite place. But I don't wanna go there right now, because...
Ayu : Because of what. . . 
Uya : Because I don't wanna go to Bali without you...
Ayu : (Silent, looking at Uya's eyes)
Uya : I don't wanna go to Bali without you, Ayu.
Ayu : (Keep silent, smiling)

Sumber ENGLISHINDO.COM Referensi Belajar Bahasa Inggris Online: http://www.englishindo.com/2013/04/contoh-dialog-bahasa-inggris-tentang.html#ixzz4RCasIiEp
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